
Posts Tagged ‘recycle’

Hi there!
Well, its been a few verrrry busy days, whipping myself into a flurry of new creations! This is but the first, and I’ll admit rather untimely, installation.

A while back I went to the local goodwill outlet and loaded up on all sorts of cool and interesting things (including a blue sequined jacket that I bought, threw around my room for a while, and subsequently abandoned). So I had a lot of not so cool items just begging to be made wearable! Who am I to resist that?

This is an old shirt, straight outta the 70’s! I don’t know if you can tell from the photos too well, but it has shiny gold pinstripes, and multi colored polka dots! I love it! I added some puff sleeves, and sewed on a complimentary piece on the front with a decorative stitch. Yay for new sewing machine! Hehe, my glasses match the shirt.

And here is a closeup of some of the details. I pleated the sleeves for the puff. I have since started using gathering instead of pleating, but they give such different looks I’m having a hard time deciding which I like better. Oh, and you can really see the detailed stitching here. I like it, the thread matches the shirt perfectly!

This one is similar to the turquoise one, in design. I applied the same kind of appliques on the front, but left off any detailed stitching. And I added puffed sleeves, finished with the same tshirt material. The shirt itself is rather curious. At first the pattern appears to be peacock feathers, but upon closer inspection it looks more like tulips. I don’t know…

And a closeup of the detailing. So on this one I gathered the sleeves instead of pleating, what do you think? Also, I was thinking of adding a stitch of embroidery around the border of the appliques, to match the detailing on the sleeves. I’m a little worried it would be too much, though.

Whew! I’m tired of typing! Let me know what you think!

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Well, its the moment I’ve all been waiting for- my shop on Etsy is finally, officially, irretrievably, fantastically open! I’ve been planning this for about a month now, and after meeting my initial ready items goal I have done some serious slacking off. Naughty me. So I’ve got to get my self back in gear, and back in front of my sewing machine.

Here is a little preview of some of the fine wares I am offering. For more pictures and info you can visit BrownButton.

This is a great little number that I made with my HTB in mind, but it ended up nicely unisex.

Next up is a reclaimed tshirt- I reclaimed it from the boring pile, and added it to the awesome pile!

And lastly a fairly simple little vest made out of this rocking broadcloth that has musical notes and instruments all over it. This is really comfy, as I only added three buttons at the top, so you can eat lunch and not feel tied up afterwards.

There you go, a little sample of what is to come. Its so exciting! There are some really great artisans on Etsy, I’m proud to be among their ranks, in a way. By this time next year I hope to be able to say that, and mean it. Hooray for success!

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